Rem Survival Wiki

The game currently has 3 branches which can be selected from the games proprieties in steam using the Beta drop down selection.

Branches Steam
  • Main = the default public stable release of the game.
  • Test = Minor changes normally only game related not engine but can be Experimental branches that have had enough testing.
  • Experimental = Major changes game or engine changes - This branch sometime can be pushed to Test after it has been fully tested.

If you wish to have more than 1 branch downloaded and playable at a given time this isn't possible using steam but there is a workaround which ill detail below.

  1. Right click on the game in steam then manage then browse local files this will take you to the games install folder, from here you want to click on the address bar and click common you will now see the Rem Survival folder.
  2. Right click and copy and paste and make a copy of the game files rename the folder after the branch do not rename the original folder!
  3. Now navigate to the exe inside the newly copied folder "\RemSurvival\Binaries\Win64".
  4. Now create a new txt document within this location name it steam_appid inside the file paste the games steam ID "574180" then save and close the file.
  5. Now right click on the exe and then click show more then click send to and select desktop this will create a shortcut to this branch of the game on your desktop I recommend renaming the shortcut so you know what branch it is.
  6. Now you can select another branch and repeat the process.
  7. Things to remember if you want to update that selected branch in your copied folder you can rename the folder back to the default name and change the name of the other folder for the time being, then you can select the branch again you wish to update using the steam beta selection noted above then after the update simply change the names back.