Rem Survival Wiki


Item Hydration Sickness
ICON Cactus Cactus 10
ICON BotaBagFull Bota Bag 50 -5
ICON ColaCan Cola 60
Tex SurvivalCraftIcons 19 Bottled Water 60 -5
ICON Tea Bottled Tea 100 -30
ICON DirtyBotaBagFull Dirty Bota Bag 25 10
ICON DirtyBottledWater Dirty Bottled Water 40 10


Item Health AntiRad Sickness
ICON Splint Splint
ICON Mint Mint -10
ICON MintOil Mint Oil -60
ICON Anti-RadsPills Anti-Rad Pills 50
ICON Bandage Bandage
ICON SmallMedkit Small Medkit 50
ICON LargeMedkit Large Medkit 100


Item Health Food Hydration Sickness AntiRad
Tex SurvivalCraftIcons 12b Blueberries 5 5
Tex SurvivalCraftIcons 21 Bread 50
ICON BurntBread Burnt Bread 10 -10
ICON BeefStew Beef Stew 20 60
ICON CookedBeefStew Cooked Beef Stew 20 130 60 -20
Tex SurvivalCraftIcons 26 Chocolate Bar 15
Carrots Carrots 10 5
CookedCarrots Cooked Carrots 15 15 -5
UI 22 Sweet Corn Corn 10 5
ICON CookedCorn Cooked Corn 30 5
ICON BurntCorn Burned Corn 10 -5
ICON CookedEgg Cooked Egg 25 5
ICON Egg Egg 5 5
UI 30 Bugs Insects 3 1
Tex SurvivalCraftIcons 57 Raw Meat -10 30
Tex SurvivalCraftIcons 58 Cooked Meat 65 5
Tex SurvivalCraftIcons 58A Burnt Meat 30 -8
SeasonedMeat Seasoned Meat 10 80
ICON RadMeat Rad Meat -20 15 -15
Tex SurvivalCraftIcons 57N Spoiled Meat -20 15
Tex SurvivalCraftIcons 90 Mushrooms 5 2
Icon Potatoes Potatoes 15 5
BakedPotatoes Baked Potatoes 30 5
ICON SmallRation Small Rations 15 35 10 10
ICON Sugar Sugar 1
ICON Tomatoes Tomatoes 15 10
CookedTomatoes Cooked Tomatoes 20 20
ICON SmallCan Can of Tuna 5 20 1
ICON CannedFood Can of Beans 5 25 3
ICON Watermelon Watermelon 10 60 -15
ICON Pumpkin Pumpkin 20 10 -15
ICON CookedPumpkin Cooked Pumpkin 35 25 -15
UI 18 Raw Chicken Leg Drumstick Raw Chicken -10 30
UI 18 Chicken Leg Drumstick Cooked Chicken 5 50
UI 18 Burnt Chicken Leg Drumstick Burnt Chicken 35 -5
UI 18 Spoiled Chicken Leg Drumstick Spoiled Chicken -20 15


Item Health Food Hydration Sanity
ICON Aloe Aloe 5 5
CornFlour Corn Flour
ICON CornDough Corn Dough
ICON HumanMeat Human Meat -10 10 -15
ICON Wheat Wheat 5 -15